My mom requested a picture of the cats, since they've grown a bunch. So here's one of Jack:
He's definitely not a kitten anymore. Not even a kattin. Pretty much, he's just a cat. Don't get me wrong; I still love him! He's great for company. But he's not an adorable little snuggly buddy anymore. He's a fattening lap dominator.
I'd love to produce a picture of Abby for you, but she's been difficult the past few weeks. I think she knows I want her picture and she's not going to let me have it. Whatever, fussy cat.
Okay, this is actually pretty cool. For Mutual (that's what our weekly Youth Group activities are called) a couple of months ago, the young women made "church journals." They each got a composition notebook and then had a ton of fabric they could use to decorate it.
Okay, this is actually pretty cool. For Mutual (that's what our weekly Youth Group activities are called) a couple of months ago, the young women made "church journals." They each got a composition notebook and then had a ton of fabric they could use to decorate it.
Well, since I'm addicted to paper, I thought, "What if I decorated mine with paper, instead?"
So I took mine home and did just that:
I'm so glad Jack has an evil glare in your picture. He is pure evil--smearing poop on friendly visitors. Beware readers, if you visit and see Jack, he might get you too!
Aw, that's not an evil look from my grandcat. Maybe "C'mon, you woke me up for this?" I missed the smearing story. But that's okay, I don't think I need any more details that that!
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