Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy First Birthday: The (baby's) year in review and some seriously mushy stuff

One year ago today, my daughter was born. She arrived at 10:44am after 41 hours of natural labor, in the local hospital, with just her father and the medical staff present. Baby Girl came out with a tight nuchal cord so she was blue and breathless, but the excellent staff quickly got her breathing and she has been a perfect picture of health ever since. I thank God for this in my nightly prayers -- it is a tremendous blessing.

In the last year, Darling has learned how to sit up, roll over, and crawl. She can wave and clap. She expresses excitement by flapping her arms and sometimes knocks herself over. Darling doesn't say any true words just yet, but she loves to babble and makes lots of word-like noises; she definitely has sounds for certain things, like her "kuh" sound for the kitties. Don't be fooled, this girl understands a lot of words and actions. Darling  is very perceptive.

She is also quite curious. She loves to explore. Baby Girl is always on the move, checking out new objects and trying out new "toys". Some of her very favorite things include kitties (okay, any active animal gets a lot of attention), outside, cheese, mommy, and playing. She never sits still during story time and loves to make big messes. She does not like naps.

In the last year, she has sprouted seven teeth. Her weight has more than tripled, from 7 pounds 4 ounces at birth to about 22 pounds right now. Darling's length/height has increased at least a foot. (Her 12-month checkup isn't for a couple of weeks so I'm not exactly sure how tall she is at the moment!) In her first few months, she blasted through several clothing sizes; she was in her 9-month clothes at 5 months. Since then she very gradually moved into her 12-month-size clothes. She is beautiful in everything, but her mommy is most fond of her bare bottom!

She visited the ocean once. She graduated from her infant car seat to a convertible car seat (after much drama and hesitant decision-making by her mom). She has listened to her parents read through all four volumes of the "scripture stories for kids" and has just started over with the Old Testament. She has taken at least 300 baths, spent at least 730 hours nursing, and slept through half her days. Baby Girl goes through about a dozen diapers a day, which is a lot, but is less than the 20 daily changes she needed in her first months. If I had to guess, I'd say she's had at least 4,000 diaper changes in the last year. She's used up almost 7,000 baby wipes. Her clothes and diapers have necessitated about100 extra loads of laundry.

If I could use only three words to describe my daughter, I would call her a magnifloriously awesome princess.That's right -- she's so cool I have to make up a portmanteau just to accurately describe her. :o)

Now here's the part where it gets mushy and religious, because I am going to write some words directly to my daughter...

Dearest daughter,

 The truth is, there aren't words. I cannot possibly express the depth of my feelings -- love and joy and more -- for you. Whenever I try, I end up with something that's totally mushy and over the top, yet still deficient to what's in my heart. Quite simply, you are the very best thing in my life. Ever. I have always wanted your dad and I to be an eternal family, but now that you are here, the desire has become a necessity. I love you and never wish to be parted from you, not now or in all eternity. This is a gospel doctrine that I did not understand until there was you. I am grateful for you and to you, my sweet girl. Thank you.

I'm a person who expresses and defines things based on numbers, but none of the stats I quoted here (nor any of the ones I left out), can possibly describe you or your life thus far. You are much more than 22 pounds, 4,000 diaper changes, and the distant reality of college tuition. You are a daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, cousin, niece, big sister (er, eventually), and so forth. You are a daughter of God, beloved of Him. Every day you bring joy to every one you encounter. You are a light in this world, bright and glorious and good. Never forget that you have the ability to change the world; you can be a neuro-physicist or a nuclear engineer or a novelist or the president of the universe, if you want :o) Just dream, my darling, and build toward your goals, and know that your family will always support your good decisions.

While you are dreaming and building, you will be have the opportunity to do the most important work in the world... nay, the universe: be a parent. Guiding souls -- teaching them and showing them how to be good through your example -- is the greatest thing you can ever do. Make no mistake: truly changing the world is a one-soul-at-a-time process. You have this gift. I hope you will choose to exercise your gift and make a better world. It will bring you joy.

This last year with you (366 days -- it was a leap year) have been wonderful. Not every minute, of course, but from the big-picture view, it could not have been better. You have completely changed my life. I don't really remember what life was like before you were here, and that is fine by me! You are worth every change, every challenge, every sacrifice. I would do it all again. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better person, baby girl. Because of you I am more patient and selfless. I am not perfect (sorry, kiddo) but I strive each day to be a great mother because that's what you deserve. Thank you for growing with me, forgiving me, and loving me.

I look forward to many long, wonderful years together. We have a big journey ahead of us. There will be more challenges and more sacrifices. You will throw tantrums and -- I'm so sorry -- I will, too. I cannot shield you from all of the hard things life will bring. Sometimes there will be pain, heartache, and sadness. People will say and do mean things. You will lose some of the people you love. In all of your trials, please take comfort in the words of our Heavenly Father, and "know thou, my [daughter] that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good."

I love you will all of my heart, sweet girl. I hope you had a wonderful first birthday today. I enjoyed spending every minute with you....

And I look forward to an eternity together.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Love the super mush! The three of you are wonderful together.